No Lab Quality Confab in 2021 but Stay Tuned for Other Information and Training Opportunities.

Dear Lab Quality Colleague,

Since holding our last Lab Quality Confab event in Atlanta back in the fall of 2019, our world—both professionally and personally—has changed in dramatic ways.

During this time, you have done your best to maintain high quality in your clinical laboratory or anatomic pathology group. In doing so, many of you have told us that you have evolved when it comes to getting the information necessary to successfully do your jobs. Virtual information and training modalities have replaced traditional on-site conferences for now, and until we totally get the all-clear on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, many of you tell us you are still not traveling.

Either for personal reasons, institutional travel bans, or just an inability to get away from the office in these terribly busy, challenging times, many lab quality professionals are choosing virtual and other electronic means to get their information.

With all of that remaining in flux and all of the uncertainties, we have decided that we will not hold a Lab Quality Confab in 2021.

In the meantime, we are exploring other options that may enable us to bring you some of the crucial education and information you need. This could include virtual events, e-learning, special reports, and other modalities.

As for the future of Lab Quality Confab, for now, that remains up in the air, but we promise to keep you looped in as we continue to evaluate.

Until then, stay tuned, stay safe, and thank you for your years of supporting the Lab Quality Confab.

Robert L. Michel
Founder and Producer
Lab Quality Confab


What our attendees are saying

"Everyone from BloodCenter of Wisconsin that has been able to attend [Lab Quality Confab] has truly enjoyed and learned a great deal. It's a fantastic conference, and we appreciate the opportunity to present and share as well as participate and learn."
Leanne Deptula, MT(ASCP), SBB, CSSBB Diagnostic Labs, Manager of Quality and Continuous ImprovementBloodCenter of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

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