
Congratulations to every one of our poster applicants this year!
Shown above are Robert Michel and Ron Martin of The Dark Report, along with the Poster Winners for 2013. You may download the winning posters to share with your lab team — simply click on any of  the poster titles listed to download.

First Place Winners

James Everest, Lean Six Sigma Leader IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook, ME

James Everest, Lean Six Sigma Leader IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook, ME

Continuous Flow Applications in Clinical Lab Operations: Identification, Implementation and Effectiveness



Jennifer Dawson, Manager, Quality Management
National Jewish Health, Denver CO

Journey to CAP 15189

Second Place Winners

Denise Ja, Quality Director, Jeffrey Shapiro and The Whole Team Kaiser Permanente, Berkeley, CA

Denise Ja, Quality Director, Jeffrey Shapiro and The Whole Team Kaiser Permanente, Berkeley, CA

Why Didn’t I Get My Test Results? Testing Not Performed Due to Pre-Analytical Errors: A Quality Improvement Project



Patrick Quint, Technical Specialist II Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN

Maximizing Efficiency of Amyloid Disease Subtyping by Tandem Mass Spectrometry: A Value Stream Approach

Third Place Winners


Mark Priebe, Managing Director Quality Star, Stoughton, WI

A Novel External Peer Review Quality Assurance Program for Anatomic Pathology



Lisa Selhorst, Laboratory Quality Coordinator Blanchard Valley Hospital, Findlay, OH

Benefits of Implementing an Effective ISO 15189 Based Quality Management System: A 4-year Look Back