Lab Quality Confab Meetings Archive:

Lab Quality Confab main ballroom general session


Lab Quality Confab is an annual gathering dedicated to advancing the knowledge, skills, and effectiveness of quality management practitioners in diagnostic medicine. Programs, information, and training are designed for every level of manager and all levels of knowledge and experience. Diagnostic medicine, particularly the services of clinical laboratory, pathology, imaging, and radiology, make up the primary emphasis of the Lab Quality Confab.

Lab Quality Confab is part of The Dark Intelligence Group, Inc. and is dedicated to bringing useful business and management intelligence to managers and administrators of clinical diagnostic services, pathologists, radiologists, and industry executives. Our recognized expertise in the strategic direction of diagnostic medicine and the management of clinical diagnostics is available through DARK Daily, THE DARK REPORT, the Executive War College on Laboratory and Pathology Management, timely White Papers, and strategic consulting services.

2010 Lab Quality Confab speaker