Michael Riben

Bio: Michael Riben, M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Perlman School of Medicine and completed his Pathology and Laboratory Medicine residency at Albany Medical Center. After residency, he completed his NLM Medical Informatics Fellowship at Oregon health Sciences University, where he focused his work on Medical Terminology/ontologies, ultimately joining Medicalogic (Now GE Medical systems) as a Product Manager and Clinical Knowledge engineer.
A year later, he returned to pathology training, completing a surgical pathology fellowship at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, and a Cytopathology fellowship at M.D. Anderson. After completing training, He joined the faculty of the Department of Pathology at M. D. Anderson where he is currently an Associate professor, practicing cytopathology. As Medical Director for Laboratory Information Services, Dr. Riben is involved in the informatics initiatives throughout the Division of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology. His informatics interests include Digital Pathology, Semantic Technologies, Terminological management, laboratory information systems and electronic medical records.